Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the time of my life

playing: time of my life - david cook

今天在跟老闆聊天, 不是在辦公室間, 是下班後.

他就說到工作的種種問題, 其實.. 我們的工作真的不容易. 尤其是大機構裡, 有很多程序, 又要看上頭的不理解.

我們就聊到, 這樣的生活是不是我們要的東西. 是長期的嗎?

他就說, 他不想當那種大大的老闆. 他要的, 就是間簡單單, 快樂的過著每一天. 而不是像現在這樣每天為了一大堆煩人的事, 把自己弄得不愉快.

這樣, 你明白嗎?

我就說.. 我也不喜歡追求著奢侈的生活, 要的就是簡單, 每天很快樂, 做想要做的東西.

很多次想過, 如果離開新加坡到別處生活會是怎麼樣. 比如... 墾丁阿...

哈哈, 我知道很多人會說我瘋了. 為甚麼墾丁?

你.. 沒到過那個地方, 你可能會不知道, 那個.. 地方, 是人住的地方.

我喜歡, 就到海邊衝浪. 我喜歡, 就開車到處走. 我喜歡, 就....

you get the point, don't you.

如果有一天... 能做這種事. 哈哈

你呢? 滿意現在的生活狀況嗎?


Saturday, November 22, 2008

垦丁 15x6

Hi people

I've been super uber duper busy. I'll stil be in mtgs at 7plus, 8pm. and i'm not able to sleep through the night. You know that kind of tiredness, but yet, you know your mind is still racing in the night? Now, that's worse. I guess.. that's working life ya?

I like today! cos i bought another chinese book. HAHAHAH. i've got like 8 chinese books on my shelve which i've yet to touch, and i bought another one today. -_-
well.. cos the book is on 垦丁!!and it has many pages on 冲浪!

if you asked me i've been to so many places, which is my favourite? By now, you should know the answer ya? why do i like 垦丁 so much, it's because... the environment is really fresh, you've got the pacific ocean right next to where you drive. You've got great and friendly people, tell me, what's there not to like?

That's why, i think i've recommended tons of people to go 垦丁,if you have got no idea where should be your next holiday destination, then try 垦丁?but just a gentle reminder, it's not a shopper's place. If you're a shopper, go to taipei or HK. If you're a beach person, loves the sand and the sea, and self drive at 100km/h, go to 垦丁 then. =)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

海角7号 and 垦丁

caught a movie at home. It's really popular in Taiwan, a Taiwan movie - 海角7号。

so what's the movie about? Basically, a real simple love story that is dated 60 yrs back but being brought across in modern days. 淡淡的思念,深深的爱 就是这个电影想表达的。我觉得还蛮感人的。


这部戏,因该在台湾的垦丁拍摄的,好想念垦丁哦。。。 美丽的海景,友善的人。真的是个漂亮的地方。

如果,你问我,三亚跟垦丁,哪个会比较好?哈哈。。我不会犹豫的说垦丁,因为除了海比较美之外, 那边的人很重要。the people makes the place what it is. 三亚的人。。 抱歉,并不友善, 我其实不喜欢那个地方。垦丁的人。。我记得,人真的很好,空气新鲜,很棒,真的很棒。


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Home sweet home

Hey people, I'm back from my holiday trip.

Can i say it was tiring but yet a little refreshing all at the same time?

There were a lot of first time.

First time in Sanya, Hainan Island.

First time I did river rafting, it's a real river!!! Not some man-made river, where rafting lasts for half hr.

First time i went diving. Yup, deep sea diving, where i saw Nemo, and lots and lots of corals, and of course that big oxygen tank with flippers.

First time i went deep sea fishing. ok.. i didn't catch any fish, my guide did.

took some photos, will put them up when i'm feeling better.

I'm sick =(
