Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random photos~~~

Popped over to granny's place, and had this small bowl
of porridge which she cooked for herself.
i told her it reminded me of my childhood days, when she
looked after me.
it is still yummy-licious after 18 years. *love*
the evening sky at ulu pandan

blading routine starts again after 1 yr odd.
i really didn't dare go fast.

Boss working really hard

the xiao mei from operations (she's a designer btw)

with Kelly at Dian Xiao Er

with Yen and Xiao Tian at some Korean restaurant

i LOVE korean steamboat
but the best has got to be the one i ate in Melbourne
freaking delicious
meet my boy.
he's at NP some engineering course i think.
when he was still in primary sch, he was shorter than me
and now!! i think he's 18 now, and so MUCH taller
i know im supposed to continue with the previous blog. But eh.... let me go think further before i blog.
People enjoy life! Cos life is meant to be enjoyed! :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

A entry

playing: 天灰 - SHE

be warned. This is gonna be a long entry. wahahaha

let me start with me... being a really blessed kid. :)

i think, i really am.

i heard from somewhere that your luck will run out someday, when you're really lucky during your younger days, bad times will come during the later part of your life.

i'm sorry. But i don't believe in luck. I don't believe getting lucky, even. Or rather you'll never hear me say, good luck etc. cos, there's no such thing as luck (at least to me)


my BU head said, when your life is too smooth, that's when you can get dissatisfied.

which i think is absolutely true. that's what i'm feeling, and 我就是犯贱,怎样?哈哈

I finally did something, which i did at the wrongest time of the year. 我就是犯贱,怎样?哈哈

人的一生当中,会有不满意的的时候。 我觉得我。。。 好像真的很不喜欢我这样的生活。
我是那种,你不用给我很多钱, 让我在有个海边的地方,做个小小的侍应生我也愿意。
偶尔, 坐下来看个书, 听音乐,到处走走看看。 难道这样的生活就不好吗?


如果我可以,我会不顾一切去做这些, 可是我也知道我不会, 因为。。。在新加坡的我有责任,有些义务。我可能。。。真的在找一个平衡点。


那一天我就跟Ms X说,做几年工,去念个硕士回来,再做几年工,然后30多岁的时候做个教授。30尾的时候,能在台湾建我梦寐以求的民宿。



她就说。。。 做工阿,让后投资在你的民宿里。




*to be continued

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Have been thinking lately. How to move from now on, where to go from now on.

Have you ever been really lost, and not sure what you want to do with your life? You're at a crossroad. You wanna head left (that's what you've always wanted to), but the natural Singapore steps expects you to head right. So... do you go with what you want to turn left or follow with the steps of social world and turn right?

PSLE, N'Levels, O'Levels, ITE/Poly/A'Levels, Uni, Workforce, and work till you're no longer youself. then all the bills come in, pay your sch fees through loans or CPF, pay all your insurance, endowment, housing, car loans etc.

what else have i missed out? Oh yar.. look after your parents, look after your kids, your dogs/cats/ fish/birds (whatever you have), continue to slog your life out. Go out and have some fun over the weekends, or ladies night on Wed, continue to slog.

Kids grow up, you continue to pay for your parents, your housing, your insurance, your endowment, your car, now your kids' education, and kid's insurance, kid's endowment, and continue to slog.

Kids get married. You retire? Probably got to dream on, you're sick, but you still continue to slog, pay for their wedding, buy stuff for their kids, pay for their housing, pay for their loans, and finally your cpf is yours, then you pay some more... and probably slog some more.

and finally... you die, you probably got to pay for the funeral as well as the coffin. And finally, you probably need not slog.


don't know.

i really don't know how life should head now.

Shall continue to look up, and see where He's leading me. :)